
The primary challenge was to design a solution that made the expensive and difficult truck driving theory course more accessible and manageable, especially for non-native speakers and individuals unfamiliar with digital learning tools. High costs associated with the course and exam, coupled with low pass rates, left many students burdened with loans and no clear path to repay them.
Research and Discovery

Competitor Analysis: We analyzed existing truck driving theory apps and educational tools to identify gaps and opportunities for differentiation.
User Interviews: We conducted numerous interviews with students, focusing primarily on foreigners who faced language barriers and other challenges. We also held multiple meetings with driving school owners to understand their perspectives and gather insights on student performance and needs.
User Testing: Our testing process included moderated sessions in Bergen, Norway, where we recorded screens and observed participants' facial expressions to gauge their reactions to the prototypes. Remote testing was also conducted to reach a broader audience of driving school students.
Key Findings

Non-Tech-Savvy Users: Many of our users were not familiar with digital learning platforms, using very old phones with small screens.
Diverse User Base: The app needed to cater to users from various countries, requiring language simplification and verbalization of complex concepts.
Need for Audio Learning: We discovered a strong demand for an audiobook feature, particularly among users who were already working as drivers but needed to learn for a different driving category.
Design and Development

The design and development of the mobile app were a journey of continuous learning, adaptation, and collaboration.

Our research revealed that many users were not tech-savvy, often struggling with digital platforms, and that a significant portion of them were foreign nationals dealing with language barriers. These insights shaped every decision we made along the way.

We began with a series of workshops and brainstorming sessions, where we explored the pain points identified during our competitor analysis and user interviews. The first versions of the app were built with a focus on simplifying content and making it more accessible, especially for users unfamiliar with digital learning tools.
To ensure that our designs truly resonated with the target audience, we conducted a series of moderated testing sessions in driving school in Bergen, Norway. We observed users as they navigated through the prototype, recording their screen activities and facial expressions to capture their reactions. We also extended our testing efforts remotely, reaching a broader audience of driving school students across the country.
It became clear that our initial prototypes needed refinement. One of the most significant changes we made was introducing an audiobook feature after discovering that many users preferred listening to the content, especially those who were already working as drivers and needed to study on the go. We integrated several gamification elements into the app. Progress tracking features were added, allowing users to see how far they had come and what remained. We introduced rewards for completing sections of the course and even added dashboard and leaderboards to foster a sense of competition and achievement.
One of the more nuanced features we added was the ability for the app to automatically save incorrect answers. This allowed students to revisit and reattempt these questions later, reinforcing their learning and helping them understand their mistakes. We also built a practice exam feature that closely mimicked the official Norwegian Public Roads Administration theory test, allowing users to repeatedly test their knowledge and an admin dashboard for driving school owners, giving them the ability to track their students’ progress and offer targeted support where needed.
Results and Impact

The mobile app successfully addressed the key challenges faced by aspiring truck drivers in Norway, particularly those from non-technical backgrounds and diverse cultural contexts. By combining a user-centered design approach with rigorous testing and iteration, we created a product that not only improved pass rates (on our end) but also provided a more enjoyable and accessible learning experience.

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